Sunday, February 8, 2015

How Do You Holiday?

We are finally off on our epic Disney vacation!  It was over a year ago in snowy Kansas that I began messaging with my family to plan this adventure.  It seems hard to believe that it's actually happening  as it seemed like little more than a distant dream for so long.

At the risk of sounding shallow (but, I mean really, you're here to read about my outfits... It's kinda the whole point of the blog) one of the funneat parts of my prep this time was planning what clothes to bring.  This hasn't always been the case.  It's hard to find a balance between comfort and style that doesn't either have you looking like a slob or Gloria at Disneyland on that hilarious episode of Modern Family!

This trip is a perfect example of why I love my "sporty mom on the go" wardrobe so much (note for future blogs- talk about that term that my neighbor Cym coined - which now defines my whole clothing outlook.

In the thread of "a picture of worth a thousand words" I'm just going to put up a couple shots of what I'm wearing and then explain.

These pants are one of my very favorite Athleta purchases ever.  And that is saying a lot because I have (and love) a whole lotta Athleta lovin'.
La Viva pants are here.
The price is pretty reasonable to begin with but on a price per wear scale these babies are a steal.

The tank is one of my few lululemon buys.  But dangitall if every piece I have from there isn't well made, comfy and flattering.  dang them for being such overpriced snobs! But I digress.  This tank is one of their Cool Racerbacks... It's nice and long, slim fit and I wear it for both casual and working out. I did get it on sale for $29.  Here is a link to their current line of CRB's.
Cool racerback.

To top it off I have on my most beloved Athleta zip up.  I bought it on a whim last year on sale and now I have a hard time imagining my life without it.  I wish I was exaggerating.  Sadly Athleta didn't make it again this year - but in their fall/winter lines they usually come out with something similar.

The piece de resistance is my sweet new Rebel Cluster Necklace.  Love this thing.  It's versatile so you can wear either chain on its own or put them together.  The length is also adjustable based on your neckline!

Now, don't get my wrong.  I'm not trying to say that I was all high-fashion at Disney.  I was decidedly in the casual and comfortable crowd.  I just like to think you can still look like you gave a little effort while doing it.

Last but not least I have to say I LOVE these flip flops I bought last year.  I found them at Dick's sporting goods but have also seen them other places.  I'm a huge fan of flops but a bit of a snob about them too.  They have to be just right to be cute.
The Reef Stargazer flip flops fit the bill.

All right y'all, time to get back to the magic of Disney.  Peace out.

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