Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Galloping Horse Slows Down

Today I came home after I dropped the kids off at school and went back to sleep. There I said it. My name is Lacey and I went back to sleep. Go ahead and judge me if you must.

I know I've talked a lot about finding my groove once I had all my kids in school. I certainly haven't found it yet and I don't intend to spend all my newfound free time sleeping. BUT I'll be honest with you. I worked my ass off the last 11 years of my life. I know all of us moms have. So I'm not trying to say that I've had it harder than the vast majority of my friends (especially my military friends), I'm just acknowledging that it was a heck of a lot of work.

So you know what, I'm gonna take a little bit of time and enjoy this. I'm not going to run around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to fill up the empty space. When I don't have something to do I'm going to go home put my feet up and read a book. I'm gonna take that afternoon nap. And yes some days I'm even going to go home and go back to sleep.

Volunteer opportunities galore await me. And I fully intend to jump in and help out. For so many years I've had to say no because of the sheer magnitude of work required to keep a family of six afloat. But this year with seven free hours every day I am for sure less encumbered.  When I get the notice that they need someone to help at the book fair I would love to do that. When I hear the librarian could use a hand scanning and shelving books I can be her girl. When it's time for cardboard challenge day you can bet I'll be there all day helping my kids build wonderful creations.  I've already said yes to Backpack Pals doing my part to make sure that the less fortunate kids at PES don't go hungry over the weekends.  I'm also excited to have time to join a Bible study. To run without the clock ticking in my head that it's almost time for preschool pick up. And to be able to focus a little bit more time and energy on Stella and Dot.

All of that and more await me, I am sure. But not just right this second. Right this second I'm feeling incredibly rested after a perfect morning nap. And I'm trying my hardest not to feel guilty. 

PS -  please let me do a trunk show for you! Pretty please? I would love to!

PPS - look at this sale! I love this scarf!!!

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